Eric Niquette UI, UX, Accessibility


In the 2017 Canadian Survey on Disability, 22% of the Canadian population (8.4 million people) reported living with one or more types of disabilities. Of that population, a staggering 65% of respondents indicated experiencing a pain-related disability.

When we think about digital accessibility, we often focus on impairments like blindness or deafness. In reality, many individuals live with disabilities that aren't visible but have a significant impact on their daily lives and their ability to engage with digital products.

How pain impacts daily life

Pain and its array of possible side effects can significantly impact how we experience and interact with digital products, often in unexpected or overlooked ways.

Limited motion

Some variations of physical pain can make it challenging to use input devices such as a mouse, keyboard, or a touchscreen. Grasping or holding a mobile device may be uncomfortable or impossible.

Arthritic hands might find precise mouse movements or touchscreen gestures difficult. Carpal tunnel syndrome can cause discomfort while typing, and chronic back or neck pain can reduce the amount of time users can comfortably sit at a computer.

Cognition and focus

Suffering from pain can lead to cognitive challenges manifesting as reduced concentration, difficulties with memory, or a decreased ability to process information.

Cognitive challenges can make navigating websites or apps a daunting task, make dense content overwhelming, and render activities requiring prolonged attention particularly difficult.

Heightened sensory response

For some, heightened sensitivities to bright lights, vibrant colors, or sounds can further complicate interactions with digital devices. Bright or flashing animations can provoke discomfort and exacerbate pain. Similarly, loud or unexpected audio cues can be startling and painful for these users.

An example of this sensitivity is the discomfort experienced being exposed to bright lights and loud sounds when suffering from a headache or migraine.

Overlooked side effects of pain

Individuals experiencing pain might need frequent breaks, which can limit the time they can spend engaging with content, and some pain medication can cause side effects such as drowsiness, dizziness, or cognitive impairment. Pain can also go hand-in-hand with mental health issues like depression and anxiety, which sap away energy and motivation.

Disabilities don't have to be severe or permanent to be debilitating

Pain is often overlooked as a disability as many experience it as a passing discomfort at some point in life. Yet, it's important to recognize that even minor or temporary impairments can have a significant impact.

Everyday situational or environmental challenges can disrupt daily activities, like struggling to open a heavy door when your hands are full.

Even short-term physical or mental impairments, though expected to improve, can still significantly affect daily life. Walking with crutches while a broken leg heals or being unable to work at a computer due to a migraine are just a couple of examples.


Even minor impairments can create significant challenges in ways that are often unexpected. When designing digital products and services, it's important we consider a wide range of disabilities, including those that may seem less obvious or unrelated.

By accounting for temporary, situational, and less visible impairments, we can create designs that are truly inclusive and provide a better experience for all users, regardless of ability or disability.

Thoughtful design can make a world of difference in how people interact with and benefit from your products.